As you might know, I'm extremely busy with my internship since graduation is getting closer by the day! I cannot wait to finish it, and enjoy some free time. Another thing I'm definitely looking forward to is starting my new blog, and I hope that you're excited as well :-) I bought some amazing items and I also got some amazing items, so stay tuned, just 3 weeks left before I'll show you everything...believe me, it's gorgeous! Until then, I have to focus on my graduation, therefore won't update this blog and prepare myself for daily updates on my new blog (yes...DAILY).
I hope you understand, and see you in 3 weeks (29th of may to be exact).

Love, Phyl x

5 Phylosophers:

Ohmymacushla said...

Ik 'miste' je blogupdates en op EGF al! Maar slagen gaat voor natuurlijk! Veel succes met je school en ik ben erg benieuwd naar al je aankoopjes!

GiddyUpShoes said...

good luck with your intership en ik kijk uit naar je nieuwe blog

tory said...

im sooo much looking forward to your new postings!

tory said...

i want your new postings ;)

Pancakes and pearls said...

Kijk er al naar uit! ;)

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