
Yay! My first post on my new blog Fashion Phylosophy. I've always liked to post my thoughts/inspirations/outfits etc on my previous blog: According to Phyl, but after having a wonderful time in Cape Town I decided to start a new blog that looks better and more like me! (Have you noticed the nude background? That is so ME, right? haha). I hope you'll enjoy my new blog and please add me to your blogroll.
xoxo Phyl

4 Phylosophers:

Jett said...

Leuk DAT je er weer bent!

Fade Into You said...

yeeh ben blij dat je er weer bent!
je vorige blog was geweldig

Jenn said...

Aww. I totally know what you mean. I recently created a new blog because I felt confined by the previous one. It sucked having to beg all my old followers to come with me, but I'm so much happier with the fresh one :)


Anonymous said...

Ik ben echt blij dat je terug bent! Je blog ziet er heel mooi uit! Ik kan niet wachten tot er nieuwe blogposts komen :-)

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